Category Archives: Marketing

From ‘Pop Culture’ to ‘POP SULFUR!’

I’m going to try and not say her name or reference her media hungry marketing plan TOO much, but it’s hard! Really really hard…

It’s very hard not to say the name Miley Cyrus at least once a day – and good for her! It worked – WELL DONE… She has made the whole word watch, drool, cheer, turn in disgust, gag and like I’m doing, write about her! It’s actually funny how calculated her new image is. It’s almost like pointing a finger at Gen Y and saying ‘YOU ARE SO PREDICTABLE!’ but I digress! This is not an open letter, nor an actual post about her. It’s the IDEA of Miley that really saddens me. Not like a parent, but like a music fan who ‘may be’ jaded (as a friend just told me), but simply who understands what it means to earn respect through true talent and hard work.. I AM sad….

Pearl Jam

The legendary PEARL JAM!

I grew up in the 90’s! An era that really changed pop culture forever! Heck, anyone will say their era changed the game, but let’s think about it for a sec!! The 90’s broke down walls, giving birth to an amazing urban pop/rap culture! Boys could wear earings in both ears, running shoes were EVERYTHING to style and backwards ball caps became the norm! Everyone was in a band – like, EVERYONE! With access to recording technology, instruments and albums written by icons who pushed away from over polished music to messy, sloppy, dirty sounds – a new generation exploded! The 90′ had a vision to break down corporate barriers by actual attacking the corporations! Pearl Jam fought Ticket Master and took a stance on something worth fighting for… Hip Hop made legends that to this day, paved a pathway for artists to build conglomerates through clothing, headphones, vitamin water and restaurants. What do we have today? Miley Cyrus….. Sigh!

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus in all her glory

The 90’s…. well, I lived them and may be I am getting old, but pop culture today has been engulfed by flames and all its clothes have been burned off! Today, artists NEED shock to be noticed! Every pop song could be sung by any top rated pop star and there’d be no difference.. shows like X factor, the voice and American Idol have literally turned the music industry into an assembly line of (as they said in Starship Troopers), ‘fresh meat for the grinder’. I understand this is how money needs to be made and with the ‘EVER GROWING’ digital world, artists need to stay relevant a lot faster, but come on… Sell your soul and bath in dolla bills y’all! – What a message! It’s almost like artists do not trust their talent.. At all…

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m too old. I don’t get music today and I’m ok with that.  We used to say “if it’s too loud, you’re too old!” and that is DEFINITELY not the case anymore! I LOVE IT LOUD! I just don’t like, well, it!



I’m exhausted!

Literally exhausted…

Millions of posts… Millions of self proclaimed critics… Millions upon millions of  digital data comprised of selfies, memes and #LoveLife Instagram photos! If I see another picture posted with fifty hashtags spanning from #YOLO to #Shoelaces, I swear I’ll die from stupidity transfer (it’s become air born)! Endless posts of breakfasts, family BBQ’s, gym check ins and CATS…. CATS EVERYWHERE! I feel our daily productivity as human BEINGS has decreased substantially in order to capture online followers who seem to ‘like’ (insert thumb here) that white egg omelette and quinoa salad protein shake you shared online this morning via ALL your platforms!

Ok, I am completely blowing steam, but when you actually think about it, am I far off? Go take a look at your feed, RIGHT NOW! I’ll wait…..

What will the next generation gain from this online dichotomy? Obviously we won’t have historical data showing concrete social growth… Unless we’re ok with six second video clips of Will Sasso driving in California as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Don’t get me wrong, I can watch Will Sasso all day long on both youtube and Vine, but with over 55 hours of data posted online every hour, shouldn’t we have countless bites of historical representation of our generation? No, we have the narcissistic story of ME (I mean YOU!)…

I’ve become cynical, yes, I admit it, but with good reason. I used to believe  the internet and social platforms were the greatest gift created BY the people, FOR the people!  An open system to share ideas, meet like minded individuals and collect ‘useful’ information that will enlighten and ‘engage’ communities across the globe –  This open system is hanging by a thread and I feel like I’m the only one who believes this! To each there own, but if you’re reading this and believe all is well and that your Facebook and Instagram HAVN’T been hijacked by North American culture terrorists, well, keep posting pictures of cats using the hashtag #Adorable all you want.

I used to be seen as a thought leader online who promoted social platforms as a way to connect with your industry or community and I still believe this to be true. But as time goes by, concrete information is ultimately masked with tarnished journalism, un-factual facts and pictures/video’s taken out of context for virality (is that a word? IT IS NOW!). When I see spelling and grammar mistakes in crappy writing from top news portals, in order to be the FIRST to broadcast a story, ultimately THAT information is compromised – and so are we. It’s so hard to find the truth and the bombardment of CRAP has desensitized our culture.

We wait to hear the latest celebrity death like it’s bound to happen (WHO’S NEXT?). We constantly hear of our glorious Toronto Mayor drunk, posing for videos and pictures like it’s OK! It’s not, and no one does anything about it! I, myself am so fed up from clicking the entertainment section of ALMOST EVERY news portal to see that top stories are almost all about death, fraud, rape and schizophrenia – but I guess that IS entertainment after all, right?

This is a rant, I know! I’m not a professional writer, journalist or doctor of sociology, but HEY, everyone has a voice now, right? I just choose to be the cynical voice of doom for once because at this moment, I HATE HASHTAGS!!! For real!

Happy posting! Can’t wait to see pictures of your BBQ’d pork chop with honey glaze mint salsa #LoveLife!

That is all!


The Digital Staircase

The monster has grown and taken shape! The Digital Sphere —-> or ‘STAIRCASE’ as I now call it…

Jared Golberg's Timeline upgrade

I have not blogged in some time for purpose of staying out of an over saturated highway of banter regarding Social Media and its capabilities. I was content on sending and receiving micro snippets of content snacks via my Twitter and Facebook. It’s grown, taken shape and all that’s left is – ‘COMMUNICATION’. Nothing more, just endless opportunity of communication with peers, clients, partners, friends and family. What is Social Media, Really? My answer is – who cares!

With the formal release of Facebook’s Timeline this Friday, there is much anticipation on it’s impact for professional users and those who dabble. Will we like it, use it or be overtaken with backlash from this a grand overhaul? Have we turned into ‘over users’ without real connection, or have we translated digital platforms into our main means of communicating? Are children becoming ADD monsters with arthritis in their thumbs? Do we really need to be everywhere, online?

Over the last four years, I have swam in the deep end of the digital sphere, waiting for the end result. What i’ve learned is, there is no Social Media! I/we communicate the same way we always have, but it’s clear that the speed in which we deliver our messages have hit the ‘speed of sound’. Instead of one means of communication, we have hundreds! I for one use Twitter and Facebook to make plans, meetings and converse with friends. Very rarely do my friends and I SMS or even use Live Profile or Whatsapp. The phone has transformed into a worm hole, transcending messages beyond time and space. The iPad has transformed our ability to perceive images and information with the speed of touch. And the computer has provided the ability to handle multiple tasks with the swipe of a finger and a touch of a hot key. What does this mean for the ever rising digital staircase? How has/will this impact us moving forward once updates like Timeline provide the ability to dive deeper in ourselves and place emotions and history online…?

Body of my new Timeline Facebook page

I’ve been using Facebook’s Timeline for almost a week now and I love it. No, I am not worried about over sharing personal content or private content. It’s up to YOU to ensure your settings, application approvals and posts are catered to your needs. If you don’t want stuff shared, don’t share! Just stop whining! It’s very annoying! Social media is FREE!

Why am I rambling with undertones of Timeline and no real Focus? Well, that’s just it. We’ve created a never ending digital staircase, climbing with no real goal. It’s become a playground of people sharing, chatting and posting. With the ability to share everything from birth, we’ve created the ultimate portal of personal communication. Anyone can know who we are before an initial conversation! The impact of job application and resume delivery may change. The way we perceive co workers and friends may change and the function of email may also progress – all integrated within the growth of Facebook and it’s grasp of you. Obviously this is a personal view, but really, do you see the same thing? I for one cherish the ability to share. We are in the age of WE/ME and EVERYONE has a voice. Why not use it?

In closing, the new Timeline has shifted my focus back to professional use. The ability to personally brand your space, share photos and stories within larger real estate is much much better. The implication? When does it end? The sphere is still heavily over saturated and when Google+ launched, of course I tried it, but it just made me angry! I don’t want to be everywhere on applications that have the exact same purpose and feel! I want to be where it ALL works – FOR ME! After four years, I am still focused on the same applications I’ve always used and they have grown with me. All I need now, is integration into the progressional functionality of our daily jobs for this all to make sense… I want it all to work in unison!

Just my personal views…


Are there consequences of rapid digital growth?

It’s 2010 and most are reflecting back over the past 10 years and analyzing the road taken to this point. I have thought long and hard over choices made and paths chosen… what’s next?

To say there was huge growth in Social Media in 2009 is repetitive and annoying (To say the least). We talk too long and too hard about ‘Social Media.’ We know it’s big! We know it’s changing fast, but are these changes affecting our lives positively or negatively? Don’t get me wrong, I am connected online for most of the day through various platforms and I love all it’s brought me, but as my good friend @JonCrowley mentioned in his post last week regarding connectivity 24/7, are there consequences for ‘NOT’ unplugging? Is there a need to stay digitally connected for fear of losing relevance? Who knows! I’m asking you….

A topic I adopted in 2009 is that of the ‘Thought Leader’. @ready2spark (Lara McCulloch) discusses this topic in her speaking engagements and is one of my choices for most inspirational  people of 2009. What is it? A thought leader is someone who directs the conversation online and leads the digital community in their discussions. Their topics, Tweets and postings are often shared through the digital pipeline and provides great content on trending topics. Most connected individuals aspire to become a thought leader and spend most their time online. with applications forming daily and new platforms being programmed equally as fast, the risk of overload can have consequences. These consequences are different for everyone and in order to protect your mind share, I suggest creating a plan to demolish the risk of burnout or even worse. You’ve built a great network and you DO NOT want to damage or lose it!

I have spoken often of keeping your network face to face. There are plenty of ways to develop your brand live and in person and I recommend taking steps to bring a more personal touch to your online adventure. One huge growth I absolutely love and look forward to starting myself in 2010 is video channeling. To take your brand one step further, try to create a youtube, Vimeo or Viddler channel. This will rejuvenate your passion and help create fantastic content for your community – and will also replenish your creativity. Hey, get your favourite tweeps and friends involved too. Flip video recorders are dropping in price fast and are an incredible tool (not to mention extremely portable). To sit and type is one thing, but giving your online presence picture and sound changes the game! It’s simple and a no brainer if you ask me. Take the time and have some fun.

Change is good, but know your limits and prioritize your outlets. Know where you need to be and ensure you execute your plan accordingly. Do not sign up for ‘EVERY’ platform in order to make your presence known. Stick with platforms that work for ‘YOU’ and run with it. If you run the risk of burnout and need change, add a new creative element that will accent your brand. My choice is video channeling, as mentioned above! It’s fun, personal and gives your personal brand the voice it truly deserves. It’s NOT new, but you can sense a huge shift in the amount of personal channels being born everyday. Time to begin my 2010 journey!

Keep a watch out for my new video channel!

Happy New year from @JaredGolberg

Have we lost the ‘Personal Touch’ because of digital networking tools?

Use your digital tools to 'Make That Meeting'.

Use your digital tools to 'Make That Meeting'.

In a word – depends!

I’ll talk about my own personal accounts on this, but this question depends on how ‘YOU’ use digital tools to network. We’ve always been told  – “Nothing beats a firm hand shake coupled with eye contact and a smile” when developing business relationships. But what about today with digital networking, social media and SMS text/instant messaging? Have we lost that personal touch ? How will the next generation be making biz deals in the next 5-10 years? Do people pick up the phone anymore? Has ‘face to face’ interaction declined due to the ease of Social Media networking? Tell me…. Let’s chat for a second!

We are seeing a rapid ‘CHANGE’ in the way we connect as human beings. When I say it depends on ‘YOU’ when creating that personable touch, it really does come down to how ‘YOU’ use the tools available to ‘Make That Meeting’. Let’s be honest, in order to become a reliable resourceful connector, there has to be a ‘Face to Face’ connection to build trust. No matter how many followers or friends you have, sitting ‘face to face’ in discussion gives you great validity. Of course, content is key (do your research) as well, but the effort to connect live, brings the slew of new technology into incredible fruition. When meeting like minded individuals via Twitter, Facebook or Linked IN, strive to make a better connection by ‘Making a Meeting’…

“Build healthy relationships by listening, speaking and meeting”

Don’t get lost behind your desk, or stuck on the couch with your laptop on your knees, Tweeting! Make the connection, interact, engage and book a meeting! Grab a coffee, go for lunch, grab drinks or even hit that networking event you always wanted to go to! For those too far to meet – Skype, iChat – Use the tools available to hear the voice and see the face! My iPhone calendar has been put to good use and I have enjoyed meeting a lot of new people I’ve connected with via Twitter, Facebook and Linked IN. I have one up on a lot of people living in the heart of  Toronto, but that doesn’t mean I should forget that contact in New York or Vancouver – I think we still have phones in our offices, right?

A lot of younger individuals (my opinion) do not engage in phone conversations today. But when trying to build a relationship, SMS really is NOT the way to go! I watch my little cousins SMS and BBM all day and night and wonder what happened to the 5-6 hour phone call to that girl/guy you liked back in high school? Does that even happen anymore? It’s scary to realize just how our social landscape has drastically changed because of these social digital tools (A little off topic here, but certainly a good point – What will happen to the next generation?). Start now and begin calling your friends once a day instead of texting! When getting that date you’ve always wanted, CALL HER! Do not text! She will appreciate hearing your voice and sensing that nervousness. It’s natural and will build confidence (Jared the relationship master? HITCH).

As an event designer and marketing guy, I take these tools and apply them with one question on mind – How can I use these tools to create live interaction? Not just to ‘Make That Meeting’, but even live events, presentations and invites. For me, social media and digital networking is the means to meet face to face, build relationships and create a brand around myself – It just became a lot easier to make it happen, but again, you have to make it happen!

Jared Golberg, Community Marketing Manager for 5th Element Events

Twitter: @JaredGolberg or   @5ElementEvents or   Facebook: